How to improve education??

HOW TO IMPROVE EDUCATION? As we all know that our education is not perfect, So what are the thing that we need to do to improve our education. So we need to know what are the thing that are wrong and missing from our education. 1.(Taken information by website of medium) Partiality in teaching :- Sometime when it's hard to teach a student teacher start ignoring him. This thing is need to stop or the students will become illiterate even after going to good schools . So how to handle or deal with partial teaching? We should first of all report about these teachers so teachers don't try to attempt this partiality again. We should never start hating the subject because of the teacher. The teachers should be not hired only on the bases of their degree. They should also be able to make a student poor in studies to a good child. 2. Lack of interest:- 90% of students don't like studies because of lack of creativity and uniqueness s...